It’s matter of right and left!! Had a perfect Sunday, finally I get a rest from the rain, still very cold with strong winds. Mr Evenos is starting to get his left and right que (He’s clearly not dyslexic like me!!) Echo is coming along now, I asked him to lay down on command which he did really well, I felt so proud of him as things don’t come as easy to him, but I knew the moment was there so I was happy to ask, he is a lovely chap who is brilliant regardless..along with his other island friends! I also got to talk human!!! Jeremy had a visiting order to come and film some of the horse stuff for a couple of hours a day for the last week so I can share my adventure with you all a bit better as my four legged friend like to destroy my camera with out a guard! Jeremy isn’t helping me and no he isn’t brining me any food etc (you can probably tell I’m loving island life and am very happy, I don’t need anything more than I have here with me!) I can’t believe it’s the last week now!
Matter of right and left!