Thinking about all the details of a project like this I’m sure is going to make the difference between success and failure. The horse training aside there is a whole other aspect of The Island Project, being able to survive alone for 30days completely unaided (as in no radio call for Chocolate, dry clothes and a cuppa tea!) I was lucky enough to recently spend some time with ex marine Richard Pencott up on Dartmoor. I definitely think surviving in the winter in Devon with 14 horses single handed is a good starting point for the mental strength required but Richard went through useful skills to be able to thrive alone.
I love watching survival programmes on TV the iconic ‘lighting a fire’ or ‘sourcing water’, so naturally I was delighted to be actually having a go! Richard took me through rescue procedures, I will have a Spot messenger which I press at set times everyday to let people know I’m OK, it also has different buttons to press in the event of a major emergency where I need immediate evacuation. Richard helped me put together an appropriate first aid kit, before teaching me how to deal with hypothermia…although personally I think he thought it was fun for me to get freezing cold, bit like giving riding lessons, the cheeky ones loose their stirrups!!! Up on the moor I spent time learning how to forage for food and make traps. I definitely feel much more prepared and seriously can’t wait to get on the island now! Thank you to Malcolm Snelgrove Photography for the cool pics and to Richard Pencott
Best of luck – hope weather is on your side and that there is plenty of time beyond surviving to enjoy the time spent with the horses in a wild place.